Bruce Ratner, Ph.D. is a recognized authority in Statistical Modeling & Analysis and Data Mining in Direct, Database and Online Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Business Intelligence, and Information Technology. Bruce has a doctorate in statistics, and a self-interest in developing statistics-machine learning hybrid methodologies. He is active in the direct marketing industry, both as a frequent lecturer at Direct Marketing Association (DMA) conferences and as an instructor of the Advanced Statistics course sponsored by the DMA. Dr. Ratner's latest book Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Database Marketing: Effective Techniques for Mining Big Data is a best seller within its content domain based on Amazon’s Sales Rank since its publication (June 2003). Bruce is also the co-author of The New Direct Marketing: How to Implement A Profit-Driven Database Marketing Strategy, a text widely studied by direct marketing practitioners, and the author of the DM STAT-1 Newsletter, the only online information exchange about quantitative methods in the DM-space. Dr. Ratner is on the editorial boards of The Journal of Database Marketing and The Decision Sciences Journal.
Dr. Ratner is the founder and president of DM STAT-1 CONSULTING, which provides data mining and statistical services to clients in in banking, insurance, finance, retail, telecommunications, health care, pharmaceutical, publication & circulation, mass & direct advertising, catalog marketing, e-commerce, web-mining, B2B, and CRM-business. Some of his clients include Citibank, American Express TRS, American Express Corporate Services, P&G, AT&T, MCI, T.Rowe Price, Allstate Life Insurance, Novus, BMG, Reader's Digest, and JCPenney Catalog and Life Insurance.
Updates of the DM STAT-1 Newsletter, as well as a library of Dr. Ratner's articles on modelling techniques, can be accessed on the Web at dmstat1 dot com.
Bruce's current research is concentrated in the development of hybrid modeling techniques, which combine traditional statistics and machine learning methods.